AiHouse Updates - August 2024
Update date2025-03-22

Welcome to AiHouse!

We are thrilled to announce that our September Update is now ready, introducing a range of exciting new features and enhancements designed to elevate your experience~

Join us as we explore these new capabilities and how they bring greater convenience and efficiency to your work and daily life!😆


【Basic Opeartion】

01 Upgrade of material brush(for all)---Optimization

Feature Introduction: For the doors and windows with replaced textures, solid wood doors and windows, custom cabinets, finishing, and structural elements such as beams and columns, the material brush can copy their textures and apply them interchangeably. 

Feature Operation: Feature entry: Top menu [Tools] - [Material Brush] Shortcut key: Shift+B In the scene interface, the material brush supports one-click sampling of textures from finished products, finished doors and windows, solid wood doors and windows, beams and columns, SU structures, finishing, and customed cabinets, and allows for texture interchangeability. 



02 Upgrade of material brush(for all)---Optimization

Feature Introduction:The material brush can copy the original texture (diffuse + material ball) from finished models and apply it to other finished models. Within finished models, the material brush supports one-click copying of the original texture for application to other finished models; other module materials are not supported currently . 



03 Upgrade of material brush( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Materials edited through the material editor (diffuse + material ball) can be applied to other finished models. 



04 Upgrade of material brush( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Enhanced interaction for replacing materials on finished models: ① Replace all instances of a specific material on a model with the currently sampled material in one step. ②Replace all materials on a model with the currently sampled material in one step.

Feature Operation:

① To replace all instances of a specific material on a model with the currently sampled material, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the finished model.

②To replace all materials on a model with the currently sampled material, hold down the Ctrl key and Shift key, then click on the finished model. 



05 Highlight effect on selected one for material brush ( for all)---Optimization

Feature Introduction:To address the issue of small or hard-to-see textures on finished models, the material brush now includes a highlighting feature for the areas where textures are applied.

Feature Operation: Feature entry: Top menu [Tools] - [Material Brush] Shortcut key: Shift+B Use the pipette (brush) to select the application area, which will be highlighted. 



06 Bulk collection for finished model( for all) --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: 1.Group Collection: Allows you to collect multiple selected models as a single group (existing logic). 2 Bulk Collection: Allows you to individually collect multiple selected models at the maximum granularity. For example, if you batch collect one group (Group A) and one standalone item (Item B), they will remain as one group (Group A) and one standalone item (Item B) respectively after collection. Items within Group A will not be collected independently.

Feature Operation: 1.Select multiple items and choose either [Group Collection] or [Bulk Collection]. Click [Batch Collection] to collect both groups and standalone items into the selected category. If the batch collection contains models that cannot be collected, a prompt will appear: "Some models cannot be collected.  



07 Display for highlight effect on enterprise model( for enterprise) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: This feature addresses the issue where selecting furniture or decorative items affects the state of the [Enterprise Model Highlight].

Feature Operation: Move the [Enterprise Model Highlight] menu out from under [Furniture Accessories]. 




01 New material model in render( for all)---Optimization

Feature Introduction: This feature addresses the material editing module, enabling users to select, assign, and adjust material parameters. Users can utilize the public library and save to personal library. The left panel includes the material library and material management options. After selecting a material with the material brush tool, the right panel displays the corresponding material parameter settings. Currently, the available material channels include UV, Diffuse, Reflection, Refraction, Normal/Bump, Metalness, Emissive, and Fog Color.

Feature Operation: Enter render, find “Material” at the left panel 



02 Relation between the material brush and material association( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: This feature addresses switching to material selection mode with the material brush tool, differentiating it from model selection.  It resolves issues related to material association and unified adjustment.  When using the material brush to apply materials to other meshes, it will associate the material; using the material library will create a new material.  Associated materials can be set as independent materials via right-click in the material management interface.

Feature Operation: Enter render and use material brush to copy the material; paste the material to other mesh 



03 Public library and personal library, material save( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: This feature provides a public library that meets most material types and allows users to adjust and save excellent materials from scene models for repeated use. Users can rename and delete materials in their personal library.

Feature Operation: Enter render, use material brush to copy material; click save 



04 Upgrade on model and picture effect in AI drawing( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: AI drawing effects have significantly improved, more closely resembling the target images, with more realistic lighting and reduced object distortion. Adjustment parameter for AI creation value has been removed. Resolution options reduced to two: Standard and High Definition.

AI rendering

AI Inspiration

Feature Operation: Enter AI Drawing; Set parameter; Hit generate 



05 Add “image reference”function in AI drawing( for all)  ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: 1.You can use a selected image as a reference, allowing the generated images to mimic its material, color tone, and style. 2.Supports local image uploads, with inspiration available from: official preset images and images searched by keywords.

Feature Operation: Enter AI Drawing;Find Basic - Image Reference; Click "Inspiration Gallery" or "Upload Image" 



【Finishing Custom】

01 Optimize ceiling to match floor-to-ceiling height ( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: The ceiling module allows you to complete ceiling design and then adjust the floor height parameters. It optimizes ceiling matching recognition, reducing issues like missing light slots or incomplete matches.

Feature Operation:

1.Open the project and enter the ceiling custom.

2.Design and complete ceiling custom:

3.Exit the Ceiling Module and click the blank area 

4.Modify Floor Height Data at right panel

5.The ceiling will refresh to reflect the new floor height. 



02 Ceiling line model upload( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Problem Solved: The workstation upload lines feature allows for direct association with the universal material library or ceiling-wall material library, ensuring that the 3D cloud design line panel displays materials correctly.

Feature Operation:

1. Enter workbench-product management-construction-ceiling-line

2. Hit creatematerial-new version of line outline upload to upload line

3.Query-Click Edit, associate the materials, and save before exiting. 



03 Optimization of the ceiling line parameter panel( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: 1.Ensures that the main image of lines is displayed correctly in the 3D cloud design interface. 2.Allows for direct display of associated material content on the line panel, with support for material replacement.

Feature Operation:

1. Open the project, enter ceiling custom;

2. Use the line material at the left panel and place it;

3. Click the line and the right panel will show the material normally and you are able to replace it at there; 



04 Support the export of shaped wall, niches drawing in the tiling floorplan drawing( for all)  --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: 1.Supports the export of tile drawings for niches and shaped walls; 2.Allows for the export of tile quotation lists for niches and shaped walls; 3.Optimizes the drawing export time; 4.Enhances the display of elevation drawings by combining elements like columns, niches, and feature walls.

Feature Operation:

1.Open project and enter tile custom to custom wall;

2.Top menu-drawing-tile;

3.Export Drawings/Quotations;

4.Niche and feature wall data are displayed correctly in the exports. 



【Aluminum Doors&Windows Custom】

01 Free drawing of corner doors and windows( for all) --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Allows for flexible selection of wall and drawing of corner doors and windows on them, and generates solid models of these features.

Feature Operation:

1.Hold Ctrl to select walls where corner doors and windows will be drawn, hit the drawing entry for corner ones.

2.Drag and drop doors and windows onto the canvas, and select the corresponding corner columns. Finalize Model:

3.Click complete to generate the solid model of the corner doors and windows.

4.The finished model can be dragged, snapped into place, and reused as needed in 2D view; 



02 Support to edit the finished doors and windows( for all)---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Enables direct size adjustments of door and window models in the cloud design and provides quick access to 2D design canvas for detailed customization.

Feature Operation:

1.Select model in 2D View to adjust the size;

2.A small black bar appears showing “Aluminum Door and Window 2D Design”when select the model; click to enter the 2D design canvas. 



03 Optimization of 2D series components( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Improves the styling of components for different series types, making it easier to switch between styles.

Feature Operation:

1.Click the dropdown button to open the selection panel.

2.Choose the desired series type to complete the style change. 



【Whole House Custom】

01 Adaptation of beveled cabinets and functional components( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Ensures proper fitting of shelves and neutral panels with slanted cabinets or components.

Feature Operation:

1.Open wardrobe custom;

2. Make a bevel on cabinet and place the panel inside 



02 Auto Mirror of handle based on door direction( for all)  --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Fixes the issue where handles could only be manually mirrored, and door direction changes did not adjust handle positions. Now handles automatically mirror to match door direction changes in wardrobe designs.

Feature Operation: 1.Open Customization Scheme: 2.Place unit doors within the layout and change their opening direction. Handles will automatically mirror to align with the new door direction.

Note: Upload attribute for handle of the door unit: Handle>material replacement; Need to set LSKMFX handle open direction parameter and the imported model must extend beyond the frame position; if the door panel's opening direction differs from the handle's opening direction, the front end will automatically mirror the handle. 



03 Panel trim installation for wall panel( for all) --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Allows for the installation of waistlines, closing lines, and connecting lines in the wardrobe module. Ensures accurate design and installation for panel, door and wall cabinets, with proper overlap based on cutting rules.

Feature Operation:

1. Enter the wardrobe custom; 

2. Set the wall panel. Top white menu-install-connection line;

3. Choose the style and material at the right side.

4. Check tile decoration line installation &edge line installation, select style and material and others, then click "Install" to complete the background wall design. The panels will automatically adjust dimensions based on the line positions during installation. 



04 Light: Double-side installation of light in the middle( for all) --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: The new feature allows for centered installation of double-sided lights and supports automatic recognition of board thickness.

Feature Operation:

1. Open project and enter wardrobe custom;

2. Right click cabinet to show"Install Lighting" option

3. Select a lighting material that supports centered installation, switch to the "Double-Sided Lights" tab, adjust position and special parameters as needed, and click "Install." This will place a light panel in the center of the shelf, capable of illuminating both upward and downward. 



05 Light: Smart recognition of light groove( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: The new feature intelligently adjusts the depth of each light from the board to the back panel, ensuring proper conduit lengths for multi-board/cabinet installations.

Feature Operation:

1. Open Customization project, enter the wardrobe module.

2. Drag and Drop several shelf components: , set the cabinet to top cover side, and adjust the different depths of the shelf components.

3. Right-click and select "Install Lighting," The system will intelligently generate conduits of varying lengths. View Conduit Lengths: Use Ctrl+7 to view conduit lengths on different boards. 



06 Operation opmmitization of the batch edit of light parameters( for all)---Optimization

Feature Introduction: By adding a bulk light parameter adjustment entry, synchronizing parameters for the same style, and recording designer-used light styles, the feature simplifies light installation and settings, enhancing user experience.

Feature Operation:

1. Open the customization scheme and enter the wardrobe module.

2. After installing lights in multiple cabinets, right-click on a blank area and select "Batch Light Parameters" to modify parameters for multiple cabinets simultaneously.

3. For project with pre-installed lights, select the cabinet or component, right-click to install lights, and the system will default to the last installed light, directly opening the installation edit panel.

4. When installing lights, modify light parameters and choose to synchronize with the same light style in the current scene, with support for restoring default backend settings. 



07 Light: Add Enable button for lights installation on backend( for enterprise) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: The feature introduces a backend switch to enable or disable side panel lights.

Feature Operation:

1.Open the customization scheme and enter the wardrobe module.

2.Select a cabinet to install lights, choose a light style, and only the shelf light tab will be displayed if side panel light and side light are disabled in the backend. Note: Backend-open light style-Info-Settings-Default light-Enable-Save 



08 Add view scale adjustment for annotation( for all) --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Allows adjustment of different view scales to output dimensioned drawings as needed.

Feature Operation:

1.Enter annotation mode.

2.Select the desired view scale.

3.Output the drawing. 



09 Able to set value less than 1 for slot path depth on panel at backend( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Allows input of decimal values less than 1 for slot path depth in backend panel modeling.

Feature Operation:

1.Go to the backend and select materials.

2.Enter panel shape editing.

3. Draw the slot path and adjust the depth.

4. Enter a positive decimal value less than 1. 



10 Able to install functional components for veneer installation on a free cabinet  ( for all)  --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Allows the placement of functional components for veneer installation such as air vents and hooks into free cabinets.

Feature Operation:

1. Open the customization project and enter cabinet custom.

2. Select the free cabinet space, then press G or click the Quick Add Functional Components button.

3. Choose air vents, hooks, or other functional components and drag them into the free cabinet. 



11 【Whole House】Add display order adjustment for association type in backend( for all) --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Aligns the display order of associated models in the frontend with the order set in the backend.

Feature Operation:

1. Enter backend

2. Open the product from the library and click the "Associate" option.

3. Use the up and down arrows to adjust the order of associated models, then click "Save" in the top menu. 



12 Add “configure to enable common library footage when empty”( for enterprise) --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Allows enterprises to choose whether to use door panel in public library materials when default materials are not configured.

Feature Operation:

1. Enter backend; Go to Resource Configuration > Default Material Configuration > General Default Material.

2. For the option "configure to enable common library footage when empty" Check it to use public library materials if no enterprise configuration is present. Uncheck it to prompt a material selection window when generating door panels. 



13 Add “Automatic Filler Parameter Writing Tool” ( for enterprise)  --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Enables batch setting for combinations where cabinet panels should not be automatically generated when dragged out, addressing the lack of a bulk setting tool.

Feature Operation:

1. Enter backend. Click on Data Association > Automatic Filler Parameter Writing Tool in the top menu.

2. Select the combinations of cabinets that need setting, configure the parameter type in the Write Parameter Value section, and click confirm to start writing parameters. For detailed instructions, visit: Help Document 



14 Automatic initialization of concealed door schemes and drawer configurations( for enterprise)  --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: After deployment of the original system, the concealed door templates and drawer configurations were empty, causing errors when users generated door panels and drawers in the unconfigured new system.  The updated system now automatically writes initialization configurations after deployment, allowing enterprise, project, or operations managers to adjust processes based on these settings to improve efficiency. 



15 Add self-define shortcut keys for material brush and others( for all)   --- New Feature

Feature Introduction: Adds the ability to customize shortcut keys for frequently used functions like generating door panels, drawers, and format brushes.

Feature Operation: Open the top menu and go to Help > Shortcuts > Whole House Customization. Set your custom shortcuts, and then use them in the customization module. 



16 Add filtering for spaces, line breaks, and other characters in product names and numbers in the 3D backend( for enterprise) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Fix errors in exporting production information caused by special characters in product names or numbers. In the 3D backend, when editing product names or numbers, or exporting quotes, processing information, or CAD data, the system will automatically remove leading and trailing spaces and carriage returns from product names and numbers. 



17 Move the Front stage function switch to the workspace( for enterprise) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Addresses the issue of excessive and non-specific functionality switches in the original 3D backend, allowing for more detailed permission management.

Feature Operation: Log in to the workspace and go to Whole House Backend Management > Advanced Customization Settings > 3D Function Settings. Click on the relevant function card to access and configure the settings. 



18 Adjust the textual descriptions in the expression editor( for enterprise) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Clarifies the descriptions and provides usage instructions for converting between angles and radians. Before adjustment: "TO Angle" will now be "Angle curvature." Before adjustment: "TO Radians" will now be "Range to Angle." 



19 Adjust the position of the save button on the handle-free merge interface.( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Improves the visibility of the save button, which was previously centrally located and often missed, leading users to exit merge editing without saving. The button is now moved to the right side, consistent with other secondary pages, to prevent accidental errors.

Feature Operation:

1. Open the customization project.

2. Drag the push-to-open cabinet into the scene, right-click on the handle, and select "handle free merge editing." 



20 Adjust the width of the dropdown menu in the door panel generation interface( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Ensure that door panel cover values are fully visible even when the text length is long.

Feature Operation:

1.Open the customization project

2.Click on the top menu - Installation - Door Panel, or click the "Install Door Panel" button at the bottom of the product layout panel. 



21 Adjust the cabinet absorption description( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: Clarifies the description of the adsorption value, which affects both cabinet and functional component movements. The original description was misleading, causing users to set excessively high values, leading to unintended adsorption to the top or bottom panels. 



22 Remove setting entry for free cabinet design mode( for all) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: The new "Universal" design mode encompasses the capabilities of the old version, reducing cognitive and learning costs for users. The old mode will be discontinued and replaced by the new "Universal" mode (currently the default option in the 5plus version).

Note: 1.Isolation Mode: Available in the 5.0 version design interface, requiring access to a secondary page for free cabinet design. 2.Universal Mode: A new mode in the 5plus version that allows free cabinet design without accessing a secondary page.



23 Remove "Parameter Synchronization" and "Door Panel Contour Line" ( for enterprise) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: The "Parameter Synchronization" and "Door Panel Contour Line" settings had no functional impact in the platform version, potentially misleading users into making unnecessary configurations. These two setting options have been removed to prevent confusion. 



24 Remove Layer panel and transverse netural plate in common default in backend( for enterprise) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: The shelf and horizontal panel settings had no actual functionality and were misleading users. These two settings entries have now been removed. 



25 Adjust the description of  “functional part Synchronize”at backend( for enterprise) ---Optimization

Feature Introduction: The feature was initially described in a way that could mislead users into thinking it synchronized all sub-components of the functional unit, rather than just the handles installed on the door panels.