How to mirror the house type
Update date2024-07-18

Hello, by following the steps below, you can mirror the entire house type.

Note: The mirroring is limited to the house type. The items in the space need to be emptied, such as: sofas, custom tiles, ceilings and walls, the top lines/foot lines/tabletops of cabinets need to be emptied. It is not possible to mirror with items. If an overlap prompt appears after mirroring, please check whether the walls are closed or overlapped.

1. Use the one-click clear function to delete the hard decoration (ceiling, tiling), and custom cabinets and wardrobes to quickly clear the mirror;

Footnote: It is recommended to save the plan separately before clearing.

2. Left-click to select any one of the spaces of the house type that needs to be mirrored (after selecting the space, it will turn blue), click the up-down and left-right mirror directions above the design interface to complete the mirroring of the entire house;

The operation of the new version of design is as follows:

The operation of the 4.0/5.0 version interface is as follows: