Where is the corner cabinet
Update date2024-08-30

Hello, the beveled cabinets can be searched and used in the custom system cabinet module and the cabinet module.

In the custom system cabinet module - Design Library - Basic Cabinet - Universal Cabinet, you can select it and click on more parameters to modify the bevel depth of the cabinet by pulling down. The screenshot is as follows:

In the cabinet module - 4.0 Cabinet - Floor Cabinet - Basic Floor Cabinet - Open Floor Cabinet, search:

For door panel generation, the point selection generation mode needs to be used. The specific operations are as follows:

Method One: The door panel can be generated using the arc-shaped door installation method (Note: This method can only make flat-panel doors and cannot change the door panel style. If you want to change the door panel style, please refer to Method Two);

Method Two: The door panel can be generated using the point selection mode;

The operation dynamic graph is as follows: