Why is the rendering displayed in the line
Update date2024-08-02

The rendering time is proportional to the complexity of the scheme and the resolution of the rendering. It usually takes about 10 minutes for a normal rendering to generate the image. However, if you choose the night rendering, you need to queue.

(Night rendering is idle-time rendering. It depends on the rendering volume of the server. If the rendering volume is large, the image may be available the next day.)

The following situations are all idle-time renderings:

1. Whether Enhanced Quality is checked. Enhanced Quality is for night rendering. If you are in a hurry to get the image, it is recommended that you do not check Enhanced Quality first,

2. Whether Multi-point Panoramic Images are rendered. Multi-point is also for night rendering. It is recommended to cancel the rendering and check Single-point Panoramic. After the rendering is done, you can edit it together.

3. Multi-channel and 4K Images are also for night rendering.