Free cabinet global parameter application
Update date2024-09-03

I. Problem-solving:

(1) Currently, the free cabinet space parameters can only be modified when the cabinet is selected, and cannot be used as default processes like the process parameter configuration;

(2) Now, when the free cabinet is warehoused, global parameters can be imported as space variables, and can be added to the free cabinet process parameter configuration scheme to define your own default process.


II. Graphic and text operation steps:

Enter the global parameters of the free cabinet:

(1) Open the 3D parametric background - resource configuration - global parameter list, and enter the global parameters within the free cabinet group (the operating account needs to have the 3D customization background permission);

(2) Open the resource configuration - free cabinet configuration - process configuration, and the global parameters of the free cabinet can be imported into the process scheme.

Enter the space parameters of the free cabinet into the global parameters:

(1) Select the free cabinet - click Parameter Management on the right space panel - click Import Global Parameters;

(2) Add the imported global parameters to the space scale.