Why does it lag during operation?
Update date2024-07-12

If you experience operational issues such as lags or unresponsiveness, it could be due to the following reasons. Please investigate:

Reason 1: Cache issues. Since the software is an online version, creating graphics will generate cache. When the cache increases, it can affect the response speed of the page. Please save your project before clearing the cache.

Reason 2: Check if the dedicated graphics card is working. You need to download Driver Booster, click on driver detection, upgrade and install the necessary drivers, and then restart your computer.

Reason 3: Using the wrong browser. The specified browsers for the 3vjia software are Google Chrome and the 3vjia Cloud Design client.

Reason 4: Multiple projects opened or excessively detailed models. When multiple projects are running simultaneously or the models have too many polygons, the high memory usage can cause lags. It is recommended not to open and operate multiple projects at the same time.

Reason 5: Computer configuration. Lower computer specifications can affect performance. The recommended configuration is as follows:

  1. System: i5 Windows 64-bit.
  2. Browser: Google Chrome is recommended.
  3. Flash: Flash Player 14.0 or higher.
  4. CPU: Multi-core processor with 2.0GHz or higher (i5 or above).
  5. Memory: 8GB or more.
  6. Network: At least 4Mbps bandwidth for personal use; for enterprises, it is recommended to use 100Mbps fiber optic broadband.
  7. Graphics Card: Dedicated graphics card (GTX 940 or above is recommended).