Generating filler, corner cutting plate supports application of process parameters
Update date2024-08-29

I. Function Introduction:

Generate parameters such as thickness and depth of sealing plates and corner-cut plates, supporting global parameter and process parameter scheme control, and batch modification


II. Problem-solving:

Parameters such as thickness and depth of sealing plates and corner-cut plates can only be set during generation. Subsequent modifications require re-generation and cannot be set in batches


III. Graphic and Text Operating Steps:

(1) Enter the 3D parametric background and input the parameters of generating sealing plates and corner-cut plates into the global parameter and process parameter configuration

(2) The sealing plates and corner-cut plates generated on the front end will be applied according to the parameter values and range values configured in the background

(3) Click the top menu - Global Modification - Global Parameter or Process Parameter Configuration to batch-modify the generated corner-cut plates and sealing plates